Who we are
After graduating from the College for Creative Studies with a Master’s degree in communication design, Sanghoo Dho started to work at J. WALTER THOMPSON Detroit Office in USA and Cheil Worldwide in Korea as a creative planner since 2001 and successfully accomplished numerous BTL projects including Brand Consulting, Retail Marketing, B2B Marketing and Exhibitions. Based on his various experiences, he joined BMT as COO (Chief Operation Officer) and Head of the Design Lab. for BMT’s creative planning and artwork.
College for Creative Studies에서 Communication Design을 전공하고 2001년부터 미국 J. WALTER THOMPSON과 한국 제일기획에서 Brand Consulting, Retail Marketing, B2B Marketing 및 Exhibition 등 약 300여 건의 BTL 프로젝트를 성공적으로 진행하였고, 이 경험을 바탕으로 BMT의 COO 겸 Design Lab의 소장으로 합류하게 되었다.